They support us
These political leaders and/or members of civil society have supported us through thier participation– past or present, in the enrichment of our Think tank’s reflections over the years: round-tables, conferences, journals, talk shows, radio shows, …

Michel Barnier
Former European Commissioner – Internal Market and Services.
Former European Commissioner – Internal Market and Services.
Ivo Belet
Former Belgian MEP
Former Belgian MEP
Jean-Luc Bennahmias
Former French MEP
Former French MEP

Emine Bozkurt
Former Dutch MEP
Former Dutch MEP
Sophie Auconie
Former French MEP
Former French MEP
Alain Cadec
Former French MEP
Former French MEP

Daniel Cohn Bendit
Former French MEP
Former French MEP
Jacques Delors
Former President of the European Commission
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Former President of the European Commission
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Nawal El Moutawakel
Former Minister of Youth and Sport of Morocco
Vice-President and Member of the IOC Executive Board
Former Minister of Youth and Sport of Morocco
Vice-President and Member of the IOC Executive Board

Santiago Fisas-Ayxela
Co-President of the Sport Intergroup of the European Parliament
Former Spanish MEP
Co-President of the Sport Intergroup of the European Parliament
Former Spanish MEP
Valérie Fourneyron
Former MP, Seine Maritime
Former Minister of Sport
Former MP, Seine Maritime
Former Minister of Sport
André Heinrich
Founding member of theSport and Citizenship Think tank
Founding member of theSport and Citizenship Think tank

Jonathan Hill
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Emmanuelle Jappert
Founding member of theSport and Citizenship Think tank
Founding member of theSport and Citizenship Think tank
Sean Kelly
Irish MEP
Irish MEP

Birgitta Kervinen
Former ENGSO President
Former ENGSO President
Mogens Kirkeby
ISCA President
ISCA President
Bernard Lapasset
Honorary President of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games
Honorary President of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Wilfried Lemke
Former Special Sport for Development and Peace Adviser to the UN Secretary General
Former Special Sport for Development and Peace Adviser to the UN Secretary General
Denis Masseglia
President of the French National Olympic Committee (CNOSF)
President of the French National Olympic Committee (CNOSF)
Michel Platini
Former UEFA President
Former UEFA President

François Rebourg
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Viviane Reding
Former European Commissioner – Justice, Rights and Citizenship.
Former European Commissioner – Justice, Rights and Citizenship.
Henri Sérandour
Former of the French National Olympic Committee (CNOSF)
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank
Former of the French National Olympic Committee (CNOSF)
Founding member of the Sport and Citizenship Think tank

Hannu Takkula
Former Finnish MEP
Former Finnish MEP
Androulla Vassiliou
Former European Commissioner in charge of Sport
Former European Commissioner in charge of Sport

Nathalie DECHY
Member of the Roland-Garros steering committee
Sophie DION
Head of the Master 2 Sports Law – Paris Panthéon Sorbonne
Head of the Master 2 Sports Law – Paris Panthéon Sorbonne
Jean-Jacques LOZACH
Senator for Creuse, Commission for Culture, Education and Communication
Senator for Creuse, Commission for Culture, Education and Communication

Former Youth and Sport Director of the European Commission
Former Youth and Sport Director of the European Commission
Former President Sport and Citizenship
President of FC Kraainem
President of FC Kraainem