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In October 2023, the French Football Federation unveiled its commitment plan. Social responsibility, transparency, inclusion, discover the answers of Philippe

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Seven female champions have joined MAIF's volunteer federation Sport Planet to promote the ecological transition in sport.

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The Deloitte France business foundation is committed and acts in favor of education, diversity and sustainable innovation.

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Guillaume Dietsch proposes in his latest work to reposition the meaning given to sport and physical and sporting education.

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Discover Planet Ball. The aim of this project is to give young people the keys to develop a responsible approach

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Read or download the Journal Sport and Citizenship 55 about enhancing sport and physical activity by culture published in 2023

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MAIF brought all its engagements with sport together in a common scheme entitled “Sport Planète”. The aim: to construct a

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“To inspire, activate and accelerate collective action to respect human rights and the environment”   «Strength through Unity» is the

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Le Comité national olympique-confédération sportive du Danemark (DIF) a la responsabilité de soutenir les efforts de développement durable et de

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Quelle part les acteurs économiques peuvent-ils prendre dans la réalisation des ODD ?

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A report published by WWF France is enlightening on the practical consequences for athletes and people involved in sport if

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La convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC) a mis en place en 2018 l’accord-cadre « Sport

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Repenser les espaces urbains n’a jamais été aussi important qu’aujourd’hui. Plus de la moitié de la Planète vit dans des

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En 2018, près d’un Européen sur deux (46%) déclarait ne jamais faire d’activité physique ou de sport. Une tendance à

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“Making sport one of the main fields for high-impact investment”   Oxygène, a consultancy firm in responsible strategy, is helping

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Yann Leymarie et revue 53

To Yann Leymarie, in charge of « Sports » at Surfrider Foundation Europe, sport is a great tool for environmental

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Sport et citoyenneté