Sport, Ethics and Economics

Journal n°7, by the Think tank Sport and Citizenship

The very nature of sporting competition contains the seeds of its own excess, which the financial stakes only exacerbate. How else to explain the corruption, doping or match-fixing? To tackle these problems we need to think carefully about both the economic system of sport as a whole and the need for strong action by individual actors.

You won’t find all the answers in this edition of our review, but the various contributions do ask the searching questions that everyone must address if we are to preserve the values of our different sports. Perhaps it is precisely now, in the midst of a crisis, that we should be laying down new, more solid foundations and testing new tools of economic regulation and corporate governance, including restraints on salaries and other costs. Isn’t this what the values of sport need most at the moment? Isn’t the time right to reinforce the economic solidarity that characterises the European sports model and to put this economic power at the service of a sport that is more ethical, transparent and mindful of its civic role?

Table of Contents:

Viewpoint – EU News

« Interviews »

Christel Schaldemose, Member of the European Parliament ;

Michel Platini, UEFA President;

Denis Masseglia, President of the French National Olympic and Sport Committee.

Special Feature – Sport, Ethics and Economics

 » Economic ethics: fashion or necessity? « 

Jean-Yves Naudet, Professor at Paul Cezanne University, Director of the research institute on economic ethics.

 » Ethical challenges in modern sport « 

Sigmund Loland, Professor of sport philosophy at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.

 » The morality of the Greek athlete: myth and reality « 

Jean-Paul Thuillier, Professor at Paris’ Ecole Normale Supérieure.

 » Sport, Ethics and Economy: From ancient Greece to nowadays « 

Gonzàlez Aja & R. Pardo, Professor and Researcher at Madrid’s Polytechnique University.

 » Sport financing European model facing a risky future «

Dutoya & J. Montel, AMNYOS Consultants.

 » Interview « 

Rupert Horing, European Lotteries Association.

 » The business of sport in recession: an opportunity for regulatory reform « 

Geoff Walters, Doctor, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, London University.

 » Interview « 

Michele Centenaro, General Secretary of the European Club Association.

» Sport confronted with the problems of globalisation: assessment and thoughts «

Noel Pons, consultant at Service Central de Prévention de la Corruption.

 » Is Equity and Diversity in European (Pro Team) Sports in Danger? « 

Markus Kurschiedt, Doctor in Economics Sport Management RUB.

 » Cost-caps and salary caps- coming to Europe’s biggest sports? « 

Daly & P. Harrison, Sidley Austin LLP.

 »  Sports sponsorship and Ethics « 

Gary Tribou, Professor at Strasbourg University.

 » The Rugby World Cup 2007: an example of citizenship “

Barget & JJ. Gouget, Centre de droit et d’Economie du Sport.

 » Interview « 

Stephen Studd, President of the European Observatory of Sport and Employment.


 The journal is available on a subscription basis only. Click here to subscribe.

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