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Since 2005, the Sport&EU academic network has been working to make sport research an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for its

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Discover the OSES handbook with 25 inspiring initiatives to promote education in ocean protection from an early age.

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How environmental awareness can be promoted in youth through sport? That was the question raised by the OSES project partners in

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On March 8th, the European Gap Women project unveiled a video capsule to promote women's participation in sport. Discover the

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The partners of the PACTE+ project explore the benefits and levers of sport in the workplace during a workshop organized

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Discover Planet Ball. The aim of this project is to give young people the keys to develop a responsible approach

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Manuela Nicolosi is interviewed by Sport and Citizenship about her career as an international assistant referee.

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Sexist and sexual violence in sport highlights a lack of resources and regulations that have a negative impact on the

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On October 23, 2023 in Palma, a workshop was organised as part of the OSES project on protecting the oceans

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volontaire aux Jeux Olympiques

Le rôle essentiel que continuent à jouer les bénévoles au sein des associations sportives mis à mal par la crise

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Sport et citoyenneté