Sport and Corruption: Conclusions of the IRIS Programme
Journal n°27, by the Think tank Sport and Citizenship
It can no longer be claimed that European sports authorities turn a blind eye to the dangers of match fixing. Even though some scandals still make the headlines, during the last two years a lot has been done: there have been numerous education campaigns, specialised police services have been set up, disciplinary regulations and laws have been passed, sanctions have been imposed and monitoring systems have been put in place. All these measures followed several years of accumulated scandals in Europe, involving ever more countries, sporting disciplines and competitions, and a lack of response from the authorities. Unlike doping, which took several decades to infiltrate sport, the manipulation of matches for financial reasons took hold quickly, as a result of the sudden emergence of the global market in online sports betting, which developed so rapidly that it escaped, and still escapes, any meaningful regulation.
Although these measures are being generally implemented, there are still wide variations between the exposure of different countries and different sporting disciplines to the threat of match fixing, and also between the responses provided in the attempt to protect the integrity of sport. Similarly, it should be emphasised that policies have only very recently been implemented and that cooperation is needed between sectors which have hitherto had very little contact: sports betting regulating authorities, sports governance and the relevant police and judiciary services. The fight against match fixing began as a matter of urgency and with difficulty. It is now time to make a first assessment of what has been done in Europe by comparing experiences indifferent countries, so as to identify successes and failures in order to draw up policies of appropriate responses.
Table of Contents:
Pespectives- EU News
“The European Commission and the fight against match-fixing”
Gianluca Monte, European Commission.
Partner Perspectives
Bernadette Lobjois, European State Lotteries and Toto Association.
Heidi Pekkola, ENGSO.
Sarah Lacarrière, SportAccord.
Pr. David Forrest, University of Salford.
Sylvain Landa, Sport & Citizenship.
Special Feature –Conclusions of the IRIS Programme
“What National networks in the EU to fight against match-fixing?”
Pim Verschuuren, IRIS.
“An executive summary of the Sorbonne- ICSS Sport Integrity and Ethics Report”
Laurent Vidal, Sorbonne University, Paris 1.
“Leading from the Top- No success in the Fight against Match-Fixing without Good Governance”
Sylvia Schenk, Transparency International.
“Betting-related match fixing in the EU 28: A European Study”
Pr. Jack Anderson, Queen’s University, Belfast.
“The Council of Europe convention: an important step”
Thierry Pujol, Française des Jeux.
Sport and Citizenship in action
RECALL Project: second meeting at Helsinki, organised by the Finnish Baseball Association
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