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FIRE+: our recommendations!   After two and a half years of work, the time has come for the FIRE+ project partners to present their main recommendations for strengthening the use of football as a vehicle for social inclusion!   Recommendation 1 To support inclusion through sport programmes with long-term

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From FIRE to FIRE+: advocating for football as a tool for social inclusion

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Football and inclusion : Interview with Andriy Shevchenko On 9 May 2023, to mark Europe Day, Sport and Citizenship brought

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Football - More Than a Game for displaced and stateless people UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is dedicated to saving

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Journal Sport and Citizenship 56

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European Parliament “Sports” group strengthen the place of sport in the policies of the European Union (EU)

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The New York Times (NYT) will no longer have a freestanding Sports desk. The public announcement was made on July

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Find all the information on the Sport and Citizenship journal n°55: Enhancing sport and physical activity by culture (2023)

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Sport and Citizenship interviewed Gabriela Ramos on the use of sport as a transversal tool, notably in the framework of

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volontaire aux Jeux Olympiques

Le rôle essentiel que continuent à jouer les bénévoles au sein des associations sportives mis à mal par la crise

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Read or download the Journal Sport and Citizenship 55 about enhancing sport and physical activity by culture published in 2023

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berlin ukraine flag

When friendlies mean peace By Albercht Sonntag, professor at ESSCA and member of the Scientific Comitee of Sport and Citizenship.

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The fight against sedentary lifestyles and lack of physical activity requires constant innovation. The solution: culture and sport !

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MAIF brought all its engagements with sport together in a common scheme entitled “Sport Planète”. The aim: to construct a

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Mathilde Lamothe, researcher at the University of Pau specialising in the heritage process, throws light on the little-known relationship between

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Photo d"Yvan Gastaut

Yvan Gastaut, lecturer at the University of the Côte d’Azur, reminds us how sport is engraved in our memories and

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Sport et citoyenneté