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Noël Corbin is excited about the momentum generated by the Paris 2024 Cultural Olympiad and underlines the importance of making

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GAME_vignette site

To be effective sustainably, SPACHE aimed to give the appropriate tools and knowledge to a variety of actors.

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IRS present the preliminary results of the social assessment study produced during the implementation of SPACHE’s pilot programmes.

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Friesland is literally centuries old. Is there still something new to discover? Absolutely! And you experience that best if you

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The municipality of Guimarães proposed a pilot program mixing physical activity and discovery of these craft traditions. Vitor Marques, senior

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La Slovénie est un pays précurseur dans la conduite de politiques conjointes « sport et culture ». Matjaž Han, ministre

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Between discovery of traditional sports and visit of the Slovenian cultural heritage. An article by Gorazd Cvelbar, in charge of

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paolo en vignette avec la revue 55

The municipality of Gargnano has tested the pilot program «Culture in motion». Paolo Zerneri, Head of the «Demography and Sports»

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Pilar Barrero García, Counsellor of Sport at the Spanish Representation to the EU, gives us a first look at Spain’s

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Ernesto Renato Ottone Ramírez has been serving as Assistant Director-General for Culture at UNESCO speaks about the links between sport

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Groupama Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, un nouveau partenaire engagé pour Sport et Citoyenneté ! Investi de longue date dans le sport sur son

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Portrait de Dalia Leinarte

Spécialiste de la politique de genre, Dalia Leinarte revient pour Sport et Citoyenneté sur la situation des femmes dans le

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Sarah Abitbol revient pour Sport et Citoyenneté sur l’omerta toujours présente et le combat qu’elle mène aujourd’hui à travers son

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Interview of Emine Bozkurt, Chair of the High-Level Group on Gender Equality in Sport for Sport and Citizenship Journal dedicated

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How Emilia-Romagna region markets itself as Italy’s “sport valley”, by Rosarita Cuccoli, member of Sport and Citizenship Scientific committee

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Laëtitia Pachoud est chargée de déployer les actions menées par la fédération en matière de prévention et de protection des

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Sport et citoyenneté