European Projects

In Process

Our leading projects

  • PACTE + project (leader) aimed at encouraging European cities to become “active cities” to improve individual and collective well-being. A matrix, interactive tool, has been created for municipalities to develop their personalised action plan to become an active city.
  • OSES project (leader) to promote the education of youth in ocean protection through sport by providing educational resources to local federations and actors involved in water sports.
  • Planet Ball project (leader) on the use of football as a vehicle for raising environmental awareness among youth, with the support of 8 partners across 7 European countries.

Our partner projects

  • Sport Board project (partner) on promoting more ethical sport governance.
  • Gap Women project (partner) to promote gender equality in sport and increase the participation of women and girls in this field.
  • Green Team project (partner) on promoting sustainable, ecological and inclusive sporting events by integrating groups at risk of exclusion.
  • Move at work project (partner) to promote sport at work by supporting professional organizations in integrating physical activity strategies.
  • Run for diversity project (partner) to promote social inclusion, the fight against sedentary lifestyles and environmental issues through corporate sports activities.
  • City, Green, Go! project (partner) on the creation of eco-responsible sports activities and initiatives.
  • My Sporting Heritage project (partner) on strengthening a sense of belonging to the European Union through sporting heritage by creating digital educational tools accessible to young people and educators across Europe.


Projects run by Sport et Citoyenneté

  • PACTE project  to promote the concept of “active cities”.
  • Project Fire +  on the social inclusion of refugees through the support of sports organizations and the development of educational tools.
  • FIRE project on the social inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees through soccer.
  • PASS project run by Sport and Citizenship.

Projects in partnership with Sport et Citoyenneté


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SportBoard is a follow-up initiative of Ethics4Sport (E4S) which aimed to improve good governance of grassroots sport organisations and governing

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Sport et citoyenneté