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FARE network is one of the partners of the FIRE project

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As a partner of the European FIRE project, the Fundacja dla Wolności runs many innovative projects in Poland for inclusion

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Four national football associations were partners of the FIRE project

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In the framework of the FIRE project ARCA has approached the Romanian Football Federation.

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Glasgow Afghan United was established in 2004 by the Afghan community to improve the lives of Afghans and a wide

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By Dolores Galindo, Cofunder, Dragones Football Club de Lavapiés

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By Albrecht Sonntag, member of Sport and Citizenship's scientific committee and partner of the FIRE project

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Exclusive interview of Ylva Johansson, EU Commissioner responsible for Home Affairs

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Sport and refugees: Conclusions of the FIRE project Sport and Citizenship's scientific journal 51   For more than two years,

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By Roselyne BIENVENU, Regional Councillor and sports delegate

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Project « Volontaire Européen Citoyen Actif »,VECA

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By Malika TARARBIT, Vice-president in charge of sport and outdoor activities

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By Bruno MOREL, Director General of Emmaüs Solidarité

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Sport et citoyenneté